Legal information

The data, publications and information provided on the BVI website are provided purely as general information. They do not constitute any personalised recommendations and certainly not any investment, asset, tax or legal advice and must not be interpreted or utilised as such. We have thoroughly researched and verified all the information contained on the BVI website. Despite this, BVI accepts no responsibility or liability that such information is correct, complete or up-to-date.

The BVI website contains links to other internet sites. BVI has no influence on the composition or content of these internet pages. BVI distances itself from any type of content which is distributed illegally under German law or any other foreign jurisdiction. We accept no liability with regard to the use of any information, links, references, assumption of correctness or indeed the operation of third-party internet sites.

The design and content of the BVI website is protected by copyright. The use of this website design or content, including the distribution of such information, is prohibited without prior written permission from BVI.

You may find our data privacy statement (Datenschutzerklärung) in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) here.

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